Housing Navigation

Together, we can save nearly Half a Million Dollars for our community!

What is Housing Navigation?

Quote: We do whatever it takes to house people and support them. Mind, body, and spirit, because it's the socially just thing to do. And it saves our community a ton of money.

Presentation Partners in Housing works with individuals and families to assess their needs, connect them with appropriate resources, and provide ongoing support to ensure successful housing placement.

Our Perspective:

We believe that if Nano Nagle were magically transported into 2023, and if she could see the people living under bridges if she could see the families raising their children in the backseats of cars, she'd take her lantern and she would go to them. She'd say, no, this is dehumanizing. We're all brothers and sisters and we all deserve better than this. And then she'd do everything in her power to help them. That's exactly what Housing Navigation does. We do whatever it takes to house people and support them. Mind, body, and spirit, because it's the socially just thing to do. And it saves our community a ton of money.

Key Statistics

Housing Navigation participants, when housed for a year versus homeless for a year, reduced their ER visits by 77% and their detox days by 95%. On average, we save our community half a million dollars a year just by housing people, just by doing what needs to be done. By ending the social injustice we call chronic homelessness.

Community Savings When Housed for One Year

On average, we save our community half a million dollars a year just by housing people, just by doing what needs to be done.
By ending the social injustice we cal chronic homelessness.

Housing Saved Our Community $443,128