
With your help, 903 households avoided the experience and struggle of homelessness last year through our Diversion program!

What is Diversion?

Presentation Partners in Housing helps divert people from homelessness by identifying safe alternative housing options that do not include emergency shelter stays, which lead to further entry into the homeless service system.

Our Perspective

PPIH, just as it did 30 years ago, gives hope and support to so many vulnerable individuals in our community. The Diversion Program really aims to divert homeless individuals and families from short-term housing and homelessness into permanent supportive housing that is safe and affordable and suitable for them. This rapid rehousing response really aims to lessen the burden on an overly crowded emergency shelter and emergency homeless response system.

Last year, Presentation Partners in Housing's Homeless Diversion Program helped 903 unique households avoid the experience and the continuation of homelessness by helping them get into housing. They all secured new housing.

Without this vital resource, there would be so many more people trying to access our system, creating an even higher impact on an already overcrowded homeless response system. Just like its founders did, Presentation Partners in Housing continues to do what needs to be done to ensure that everybody in our community who needs a place to call home has the support to do that.

Key Statistics

Households experiencing a new housing crisis after receiving assistance, and therefore needing assistance again in less than 6%.