Unique Households screened
Unique Individuals screened
Individuals screened who were on the verge of homelessness (prevention)
Individuals screened who were experiencing homelessness (diversion)
Total unique adults screened
(18+ years old)
Total unique children screened
(less than 18 years old)
Unique eligible Cass and Clay County Households screened:
Households referred to the HPP:
Households not referred to the HPP:
PPiH prioritizes households seeking assistance with a housing crisis by order of risk of homelessness. With the limited resources available in the community, every effort is made to prioritize those experiencing homelessness or those on the verge of homelessness. The graphs below demonstrate the percentage of the total population that falls within one of the higher risk categories, broken down by those who are imminently at-risk (first graph) or those currently experiencing homelessness (second graph).